Suggestion of the Protocol

20. environmental terrorism

Hope you have started segregation of plastics waste!

No plastics in organic waste going out daily, And no organic waste in plastics waste STORED with other non-commercial recyclable waste!

GREAT.………………………………Now find a taker of this stored waste??? The regular kabadi won’t take it and regular waste picker will mix it with the rest; ( that’s a conscience crime and defeats the purpose of segregating.)

SO……………Sing a song— KOI HOTA jisko ham ye de sakte yaro…. pass nahi to door hi hota..Lekin hota……..

That’s where is a wecangel– brother of pick angel comes in—and work – -A rag picker takes it, knocks on your door, and ask as a matter of right for non-commercial recyclable waste, Tells you, —its crime if you mix —- you do a crime,—- kill cows,—-kill birds,— chocks the drains,,, You get irrational, then get amused, you smile, and then appreciate, and then move with him…… They share the power behind, the power of good ness, and the good work,

And a responsible city management, some good will for the Nagar Nigam at last, The rag picker makes as much as in regular rag picking business… On the way of progress Or self-extinction..
Of both rag picking or littering………………9598860396